all postcodes in M32 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M32 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M32 9BH 10 6 53.44522 -2.308514
M32 9AB 6 0 53.443676 -2.311649
M32 9AD 12 0 53.444448 -2.312181
M32 9AE 48 1 53.444373 -2.313174
M32 9AF 29 2 53.444641 -2.313809
M32 9AG 10 0 53.442629 -2.31685
M32 9AH 20 0 53.444107 -2.311833
M32 9AJ 24 0 53.443362 -2.311646
M32 9AL 20 0 53.442997 -2.313646
M32 9AN 41 15 53.441017 -2.314505
M32 9AP 14 0 53.442165 -2.315341
M32 9AQ 12 0 53.442433 -2.316186
M32 9AR 44 0 53.442545 -2.317828
M32 9AS 28 0 53.442944 -2.316732
M32 9AT 52 0 53.442554 -2.314516
M32 9AU 5 5 53.440525 -2.313613
M32 9AW 44 0 53.44149 -2.315833
M32 9AX 16 0 53.443534 -2.311046
M32 9AY 72 0 53.442821 -2.312139
M32 9AZ 60 0 53.442821 -2.312139